It is really a struggle to be accepted by society with neurodivergence sometimes, I completely understand because I know that unfortunately this era still has ableism existing within it and it is honestly painful to be discriminated against (especially in schools from personal experience) but I hope you can understand this and I hope you have a wonderful week and best wishes to you.

If I have offended you by using this icon that may remind you of the history or past, I am truly sorry that this is how you feel. I understand the history and how it may be offensive to some, but the sims resource lets me know when I have been offensive and asks me to change anything offensive before I submit it publicly, so if there were any issues with it offending people, they would have touched on it. I believe the icon shouldn’t be shamed upon for the reason of being offensive when it visibly shows anything but that and that is what matters. However, I feel that the icon represents autism and to change it would mean recreating everything over again and even though I wouldn’t mind doing that, many simmers have already downloaded this and have filled the comments with lovely kind words so going back and recreating it all would be a very difficult process for me to undertake again. I see your concern on the image I used that expresses awareness on the subject of autism, which I thank you for bringing to my attention. I will give you information identical to what was given to the other person because a solution to this has already occurred and may not have been read. Hi ZMarotrix, I have acknowledged this from a previous comment and I thank you for your comment.